Karachi, The ex captain of Pakistani cricket team, Shahid Afridi has shared the very emotional message to his fans on the sixth birthday ceremony of his younger daughter, Asmara. Shahid Afridi is the well known Pakistani player and he is also good person and best father. He loves his four daughters, Aqsa, Ajwa, Insha and Asmara. He celebrates the happy events with his daughter despite of being busy.
He celebrated the 6th birthday of his daughter last night and his all three older daughters were also present at this moment. He was looking very happy at this moment and Shahid Afridi shared the images of her birthday event on the social media and he also shared the emotional message towards his daughters.
Celebrating Asmara’s 6th birthday today, MashaAllah. Daughters are a blessing from the Almighty. We should always take time out to celebrate small happinesses with our families & loved ones, and give thanks for all of the moments. Love you, Asmara! pic.twitter.com/uvciWae1Kv
— Shahid Afridi (@SAfridiOfficial) May 19, 2018
Shahid Afridi wrote on the twitter account that he was celebrating the 6th birthday of his younger daughter, Asmara. Masha Allah. The daughters are the blessings of Almighty Allah. We should take out the time to spend our tiny happy moments with our families and dear ones and we should thank for such moments. Love to Asmara.